Hydroinformatics for Agricultural Drought
Team Name: Integrated Hydroinformatics for Agricultural Drought Risk Assessment in Central Region of Thailand.
1.Ms. Kalyaanee Suwanprasert.
2.Dr. Shinta Seto.
- Spatial Analysis and Drought Risk Determination in Thailand: Drought was the most profound effects on the way people live and in the regional economy of Thailand. Geoinformatic system including earth observation imageries and observation database were introduced to evaluate and validate drought risk analysis. Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) from MODIS on NASA’s Terra were considered through weighting method with hydro-meteorological factors for monitoring area. Research results illustrate on macro scale moderate drought risk to most areas of Thailand except the northern region of Thailand.
- Validation of GSMaP rainfall estimates with local rainfall gauge in Thailand: Global Satellite Mapping of Precipitation (GSMaP) products are evaluated on a daily time scale and with spatial resolutions of 0.1 deg. latitude by 0.1 deg. longitude. The reference data were obtained from 14 rain gauges of the Thai Metrological Department during January – December 2010 in 22 provinces in the Chao Phraya river basin, which is located in central Thailand. The dichotomous or yes/no forecast and quantitative data analysis such as correlation coefficient and root mean square error (RMSE) are applied to validating this rainfall estimation product. The results of this study show that correct negative forecasts are generally predominant, but false alarms increase during the rainy season (May to October). The validation results are reasonably good in terms of accuracy (over 80% correct) in the dry season. GSMaP seems to overestimate the probability of rainfall in Thailand. Although GSMaP exhibits good results in terms of accuracy and probability of false detection, the false alarms ratio were very high while the probabilities of detection were low. A study of quantitative validation and spatial-temporal correlation between GSMaP and rainfall measurements are important for calibration.
- Intergrated drought risk indices from climate based and satellite based observation for agricultural drought monitoring in Thailand: The objective of this study was to investigate climate based observation and satellite based indices in order to monitor agricultural drought in Thailand and to study the effect of agricultural indices on major economic crops. Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) and remotely sensed Vegetation Condition Index (VCI) were introduced to observe drought in the central region of Thailand. Integration of SPI and VCI has demonstrated the potential of geospatial technology to analyze and identify agricultural drought areas in macro scale at near-real time. The spatial analysis of 3-month SPI distribution indicates that it was the largest area of exceptional and extremely drought in 2010. VCI time series can be used to monitor vegetation condition correlating with moisture condition and landuse type. The frequency, area extent and severity of drought assessed from SPI and VCI could be benefit for the development of mitigation strategies of drought events.
- Suwanprasert, K. and Vathananukij, H. 2010. Spatial Analysis and Drought Risk Determination in Thailand. Journal of Research in Engineering Technology 7(3): 41-47.
- Suwanprasert, K., Seto, S. and Kaewrueng, S. 2011. Validation of GSMaP rainfall estimates with local rainfall gauge in Thailand, pp. 65-72. In Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Southeast Asian Water Environment. 1-3 December 2011. Department of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kasetsart University (KU), Environmental Engineering and Management Program, School of Environment, Research and Development, Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Research Center for Water Environment Technology, The University of Tokyo (UT), Southeast Asian Center for Water Environment Technology, Asian Institute of Technology & UT. Bangkok, Thailand.
- Suwanprasert, K., Seto, S. and Kaewrueng, S. 2013. Intergrated drought risk indices from climate based and satellite based observation for agricultural drought monitoring in Thailand. Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B1 (Hydraulic Engineering) 69 (4): I_25-I_30.